Issues of Sale
Relevant Sales Tax History
Links to Important Information
– The Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement and Related Information.
– The Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA)
– The Digital Goods and Services Tax Fairness Act of 2019 (not passed)
Issues of sale – outright sales, lease, license, for permanent use, etc.
NOTE: In addition to the definitions of items that are relevant, above, some states and the SSUTA distinguish different types of transactions when taxing various products. Therefore, this section summarizes the types of transactions that are commonly defined or used in the imposition of sales tax. Bundled products or transactions are covered in a separate section below.
- General meaning – this term is used throughout state law but may also be defined specifically for sales tax purposes and often refers to a transaction in which the customer obtains the unlimited use of or title to whatever is conveyed by the seller.
- SSUTA – SSUTA does not define “sale” as a distinct term. It does define “retail sale and “sale at retail” broadly to mean “any sale, lease, or rental for any purpose other than for resale, sublease, or subrent.” See Appendix C.
Lease or Rental
- General meaning – this term is also used throughout state law but can be specifically defined for sales tax purposes. In general, a lease is a transfer of the right to possession and use of some item for a period of time.
- SSUTA – The SSUTA defines lease or rental “as any transfer of possession or control of tangible personal property for a fixed or indeterminate term for consideration. A lease or rental may include future options to purchase or extend.” The definition then goes on to distinguish things that are not leases, which it appears are presumably sales—although, again, the agreement does not define a “sale.”
License or License to Use
- General meaning – this term is used generally to describe a transfer of the right of possession and use of some item for a period of time where the rights conveyed are less than would be granted under a lease. Also, the term license is generally used when conveying the right to use an intangible.
- SSUTA – The SSUTA does not define “license” or “license to use.” It does use the term “license” in the context of software. See Rule 309.5 –
“Sourcing Software Term License and Subscriptions (1) Definitions: As used in this section (a) the term ‘software subscription’ means a transaction requiring additional payments for updates to prewritten computer software and (b) the term ‘software term license’ means a transaction where the purchaser’s right to continue to use prewritten software is dependent on periodic payment.”
Subscriptions or Access Charges
- General meaning – this term may describe a way of conveying information or data or other times in exchange for periodic or per-use charges.
- SSUTA – The SSUTA does not generally define “subscription” but does provide, in Sec. 332, that:
“A state may treat a subscription to products ‘transferred electronically’ differently than a non-subscription purchase of such product. For purposes of this section, ‘subscription’ means an agreement with a seller that grants a consumer the right to obtain products transferred electronically from within one or more product categories having the same tax treatment, in a fixed quantity or for a fixed period of time, or both.”
Service Contract
- General Meaning – a service contract is a type of transaction that is generally used when the seller agrees to provide a service which may have no tangible or other product. For example—a repair service.
- SSUTA – The SSUTA does not define “service” or “service contract.”
Exchange of User Data for Certain Products and Sales of that Data
Content pending
Non-Fungible Tokens (“NFTs”) as Transactions
Content pending