MultiTax Commission

An intergovernmental state tax agency whose mission is to promote uniform and consistent tax policy and administration among the states, assist taxpayers in achieving compliance with existing tax laws, and advocate for state and local sovereignty in the development of tax policy.

Nexus Committee Agenda March 2014


Nexus Committee Meeting
 Wednesday, January 8, 2014
3:00 pm Eastern Time
via Teleconference

Click here for a PDF copy of this agenda  

State government personnel and members of the public may attend the public session either in person or by teleconference. To participate by teleconference, please dial (1) 800-264-8432 or (1) 719-457-0337 and enter participant code 149611. There is no security code.

This meeting is open to the public. Members of the public wishing to address the committee on the agenda item are welcome to do so.

I.  Introductions and Sign-In 
II. Deliberation whether to request that the Nexus Committee and National Nexus Program participate in the Commission’s strategic planning process
III.  Adjournment

For more information about this meeting, please contact Thomas Shimkin, Director of the National Nexus Program, Multistate Tax Commission, 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 425, Washington, D.C. 20001. Telephone (202) 695-8140.