Elliott Dubin, MTC Director of Policy Research and Parker Armstrong, former MTC Policy Research Intern, using data from a number of sources, provides a snapshot of current economic condition of the states; and, a forecast of economic conditions in the near future. Needless to say, the current economic conditions of the states vary widely; and, even short-term predictions of the economy are not always precise.
The fiscal conditions of state and local governments are imperfectly correlated with changes, past and projected, in the economic conditions of the nation and of the individual states. This short paper, because of the sheer size and complexity of the US economy, provides a broad view of the economic conditions in the US as a whole; and for individual states. The first section presents economic conditions for the US as a whole and the second section contains projected national economic conditions. The third section presents some data on the economic conditions.
You can read a full copy of the article here .